I'm Elena, a Belgian fashion designer who brings sustainability and style together for eco-conscious fashion lovers.

In my digital portfolio, I charted my personal development plan (PDP) and added reflections on the progress and results of my development. One of the highlights of my development was my growth in the area of pattern drawing.

As someone who enjoys being creative, I decided to learn how to draw patterns. At first I found it difficult to find the right proportions and get the patterns correctly on paper, but over time it became easier and I noticed that my drawing skills improved.

As I gained more experience, I realized that my talents lay in designing new patterns and creating unique garments. I became increasingly interested in designing my own clothes and experimenting with different styles and fabrics.

As I look back on my experiences drawing patterns, I am proud of my growth and development as a designer. I have learned to turn my ideas into accurate and detailed patterns, and to explore different design styles. I have also learned not to be afraid to try new things and to let my creativity flow.

Finally, I learned that reflection is an important part of the development process. By regularly looking back on my experiences and analyzing what I learned from them, I can better understand my development and take appropriate steps to continue to grow as a person.